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How to transform disruptive child


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Posted By: Parul Sharma | 09 Oct 2019

"Knowing is not enough we must apply. Willing it's not enough, we must do "- Bruce Lee.

The small actions can have a huge impact in our life and the World. We love our kids but there are times when we feel like we are saying the same thing over and over again and getting no where.
Couple of years back I was perturbed about 1.5 years disruptive child. So many suggestions coming from all around how to tackle my child left me chaotic.
I resoluted to enroll him in a preschool. Being a mother it was bit difficult for me to get my child registered at a tender age but I did. After lot of search I decided to put him in a preschool near me with many questions in my mind but I got relaxed when I saw drastic change in my child behavior just after few days of joining the school. I was completely unaware of my child prodigy but Novynest and their team made me acquainted with the same. Their eccentric curriculum lended a helping hand to my child in search of excellence as this reggio preschool in noida is one of its kind in the skill development of a child instead of putting pressure of books on them. Today my son is in formal school and he is doing wonders. I am happy that my child's energy constructively and converting a disruptive child into a Proactive child.

I would also like to propound to parents to showcase their valuable trust on their child and avoid being a helicopter parent. Just explore the best preschool for your child as first school is the base line of their future. People may come and go with their comments but it's we who will be with our kids for life. And they will do something really worthwhile in their lives for sure.


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